Our housing facility, Chateau Juliet, will house adult Females ages 18 and over, who are Foster Youth alumni, with exceptions made for special circumstances. This 24 months-plus residency program focuses on furthering education and individual progress towards achieving self-sufficiency, healing body, mind and spirit, the path to employability, job-placement, careers and independence. We empower capable and more confident women to go into the world, ultimately knowing how to better design their lives.
monthly PLEDGE contributionSFuture monthly pledge contributions will cover facility operational expenses, including costs for employee staffing. Currently however, we are operating only with volunteer human resources as our budget does not presently pay any salaries or administration costs. With volunteers only, 100% of our donations are going for the capital improvement expenses for Chateau Juliet, formerly known as,
Hotel Wilson. |
annual CONTRIBUTIONSCapital Improvement contributions include architectural/engineering plans, and renovation costs for the conversion of the 1915 Hotel Wilson into Chateau Juliet. Chateau Juliet will become a multi-use facility providing housing on the top two floors and employment opportunity on the ground level. The restaurant will become an aspect of sustainability for our program while providing wages and job skills for our Homegirl beneficiaries..
Homegirl Industry Headquarters
902 Sixth Avenue N
Clanton, AL, 35045